Auto-Drip Coffee
Made with at-home coffee machine aka “normal” style
Brew time – 4-6 minutes
Coffee Type – Medium coarse ground coffee
Water Temperature– 195˚ F to 205˚ F
Coffee to Water Ratio - 1:17 (in measurement of grams)
The Steps
- Pour ground coffee into the filter and shake lightly to level the ground coffee
- Add water to the coffee machine’s container and ensure the amount of water to coffee ratio according to your preference
- Begin the auto-drip process and allow coffee to brew up between 4 to 6 minutes
- Serve and enjoy your freshly brewed coffee!
*Optional – to make it iced coffee, allow the coffee to cool to room temperature, add ice cubes to ½ cup, and any milk to your preference

Espresso #1
Made with espresso-coffee machine
Brew time – 30 seconds
Coffee Type – Fine ground coffee
Water Temperature– 200˚ F
Coffee to Water Ratio - 1:2 (in measurement of grams)
The Steps
- Pour your ground coffee into the espresso basket handle.
- Utilize the tamer to press the coffee in the handle to make it smooth.
- Attach espresso handle back to the machine and ensure it is tightened to start the espresso process.
- Begin the espresso process and allow the coffee to brew for up to 30 seconds.
- Serve and enjoy your freshly brewed espresso!
*Optional – to make it a Cappuccino, just add equal parts of steamed milk and foamed milk on top of the freshly brewed coffee and to make a Latte, just add more steamed milk and less foamed milk on top.

Espresso #2
Made with Moka Pot or “Cafetera” or “Greca” (All depends how you call it!)
Brew time – 5 minutes
Coffee Type - Fine ground coffee
Water Temperature– 350˚ F
Coffee to Water Ratio - 1:2 (in measurement of grams)
The Steps
- Remove top part of the pot and put water into the base of the pot (allow some room for the coffee filter and funnel that will be inserted on top of the base)
- Pour your ground coffee into the aluminum coffee funnel
- Attach top and bottom of the pot and ensure its closed tightly
- Place pot on stove with low to medium heat and let it brew for up to 5 minutes or until you hear the hissing or gurgling sound from the coffee (which it let’s you know its ready!)
- Serve and enjoy your freshly brewed espresso!

French Press
Made with French press
Brew time – 4 minutes
Coffee Type – Coarse ground coffee
Water Temperature– 200˚ F
Coffee to Water Ratio - 1:12 (low strength) or 1:7 (high strength) - in measurement of grams
The Steps
- Boil your water on a stove top that will be enough to fill up your French press
- Pour ground coffee in your French press and then pour the hot water gently over the coffee
- Cover with the French press with the lid and allow it to brew for up to 4 minutes
- After the brewing process, press down the filter gently to the near bottom of the container.
- Serve immediately and enjoy your French pressed coffee!